Vital Roof Repairs for Clubhouse

December 17, 2020


Vital Roof Repairs for Currie Chieftains Clubhouse

We need your help! In the year Currie Chieftains had planned to be staging its 50th anniversary celebrations, we find ourselves with drastically reduced income due to Covid-19 and a major clubhouse roof repair to fund. As well as being used for youth and adult club activities and match functions, the clubhouse is used by many local groups for meetings, activities and events, as well as being a popular and affordable venue for family celebrations.

The repairs to the roof are urgently needed and there is no option to wait until a later date when things will have returned to ‘normal’.

So, we are asking for help. Perhaps you are a current member or a past member with happy memories of the club and the people you met there? You may be a local resident who has enjoyed the use of the clubhouse for many different types of occasion? Or you may simply be someone with a strong sense of community, who is keen to help ensure this valuable community asset remains available to those who need it. Whatever your personal reasons, your support by way of donation of any size will be greatly appreciated and mean a lot to our members and our wider user community.

Donations may be made at:

Thank you.

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