Currie Chieftains v Jed-Forest, Match Report

January 30, 2022


Storm Malik had rattled its way through Balerno earlier in the day, and there was still a strong blustery wind which caused plenty of problems for handling and kicking. The elements both frustrated and added excitement for the teams and the hardy supporters who ventured to Malleny Park.

The visitors’ season has been hampered by player availability and a recent change to their coaching staff, but there was no doubting Jed’s resilience and determination. In true Borders style they contested every aspect of the game, perhaps being unlucky not to have had more success, particularly in the first half playing with wind advantage.

Jed’s burly pack provided a solid platform for their agile backs; and on occasions, they caused Currie problems at the lineout. Following good ground-work, which went through several phases, Jed’s handling errors or the well-organised Chieftains defence generally kept the visitors away from scoring. After one period of pressure, they spurned an easy kick at goal and confidently went for the penalty lineout, but the drive was held up over the goal line and Currie eventually cleared.

Apart from an early Chieftains attack, which resulted in a Jamie Forbes penalty goal, play was mainly mid-field, as both teams struggled to hang on to the ball in the strong wind. The lively DJ Innis, Jamie Forbes and Wallace Nelson made exciting breaks into the Jed 22, but some fine defending prevented any score. On the stroke of halftime, the Chieftains found a passage through the Jed defence, and Charlie Brett finished a sparkling move which started 40 metres out; the corner flag try was not converted. As the Currie backs were celebrating the score, a little argument had broken out in the opposite corner; the referee sent one player from each team to the sinbin to cool off.

Halftime Score – Currie Chieftains 8 pts v Jed-Forest 0 pts.

Now with wind advantage the Chieftains went up a gear, and within five minutes the excellent Joe Reynolds had split the Jed defence to score; Jamie Forbes kicked a brilliant conversion. In the blustery conditions Jed tried to run from deep, but Currie pinned them down and patiently waited for the almost inevitable handling error. AP McWilliam, Graeme Carson and Ryan Stewart were always at the centre of the hard graft and making a nuisance of themselves. When Jed were penalised inside their 22, Jamie Forbes took a tap penalty and Charlie Brett went for the line; his run was halted, but Paddy Boyer recycled the ball and David Innis crashed over taking three defenders with him; Jamie Forbes converted.

For a short while Jed managed to make ground with some excellent threatening Sevens-style inter-passing. However, the Currie backs were alive to their endeavours and Joe Reynolds was quickly up for a superb interception; he galloped in for the converted bonus point try.

Perhaps the biggest roar of the afternoon was for Cairn Ramsey’s stomping 40 metre run; there is no finer sight than a prop careering for the line. Although he was felled just short, the nimble Rhys Davies was in support and flipped the ball to Hamish Ferguson who scored; Sam Leto kicked the conversion.

The visitors’ determined efforts were finally rewarded with a scintillating corner flag try which had always looked possible when they clicked and didn’t drop the ball. Unfortunately, the score may have made them a little overconfident, and once again Joe Reynolds was quick to latch onto another interception and made a 50- metre dash to the corner; Sam Leto’s impressive attempt to convert the try hit the post.

The Chieftains’ purple patch was not finished as Cammy Meager joined the attack at speed, and he took some stopping; another try looked imminent. The hard-working Ewan Stewart and Sean Fisher carried the move forward with the backs finally whizzing the ball to James McCaig. The wingman had it all to do as he raced down the touchline and skilfully side-stepped the cover to score. The fine-looking replacement standoff, Sam Leto just missed the conversion kick. But the match result was a convincing win For the Chieftains.

Full-time Score – Currie Chieftains 46 pts (t 6, c 4, p g 1) v Jed-Forest 5 pts (t 1)

I.J.S. – 30.1.22.

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