Beer Garden

July 10, 2020


News of Better Times Ahead

As the Scottish Government starts Stage 3 of its coronavirus recovery plan (and Scottish Rugby does the same) there are now signs of better times ahead. I will provide an overview of the rugby situation early next week, so I can include some material that is being released over the weekend.

However, this post is to tell you that the Club has just received licence approval for a beer garden. This will be opened this weekend, as follows:

Saturday 11 July, 3.00 pm – last drinks at 7.30 pm

Sunday 12 July, 3.00 pm – last drinks at 7.30 pm

The beer garden will be positioned on the green behind the clubhouse and accessed from the pathway along the pitch-side of the building.

Please note that the beer garden will be operated strictly within the terms of the coronavirus legislation and Scottish Government guidelines, including the need to record names and contact details of customers.

There will be table service and table spacing, with 4 people from two households per table; social distancing will apply. The number of customers will be limited by the space available. Entry will be on a strictly ‘first come, first served basis’.

On Wednesday 15 July, the regulations change and that will allow the clubhouse to re-open. Further information will be provided at the beginning of next week.

Phil Thomas 10-7-20


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