2020-21 Membership Forms Now Available

August 3, 2020


2020-21 Membership Forms Now Available

At the beginning of March, the Covid-19 pandemic led to a comprehensive lockdown of businesses and public life across Scotland. All club, professional, and international rugby was suspended, and rugby clubs and pitches everywhere were closed under Scottish Statutory Regulations until further notice.

Now, almost five months later, the pandemic in Scotland has substantially been brought under control and the lockdown on rugby clubs and on playing rugby is progressively being lifted by the Scottish Government. Alongside this, Scottish Rugby (SR) has developed a step by step, risk assessed, route map for ‘Return to Rugby’ which will see our sport progressively re-established over the coming months.

That process has already begun. The club’s beer garden, bar and pitches have now been opened. Youth training at Malleny has already started and senior squad training will begin later this month. The indicative timetable is that senior contact training will be introduced in mid-September, friendly matches will start in early October and competition rugby will open on 31 October.

We held back the issue club membership forms until the arrangements for the coming season began to clarify. That clarification is now forthcoming, and the details are beginning to firm up. Today the 2020-21 Membership Form has been made available on the Membership page of the website. Simply click on the link for the PDF form.

Membership categories and prices remain unchanged from last year. However, in a changed approach thee is an option for membership applications or renewals made August to be paid by member-arranged Standing Orders in 10 monthly instalments.

However, where it is possible, memberships made through a single payment will be much appreciated, as they will assist the club in managing its finances in the early part of the financial year ahead.

Things are now moving forward, so please renew your membership and be part of it!

Phil Thomas, President Currie Chieftains



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